All Bird and Conservation News


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Despite Controversy, the Coastal California Gnatcatcher Will Remain an Endangered Subspecies
September 23, 2016 — The fight to delist the bird hinged on disputed science—the same science behind an ongoing delisting petition for the Southwest Willow Flycatcher.
The Collaborative Effort to Save the Greater Sage-Grouse Continues
September 22, 2016 — One year after it was announced that the bird would not be listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act, an update.
Birdist Rule #82: Know Your Public Lands
September 21, 2016 — From local and national parks to national wildlife refuges and wilderness areas, these lands were made for you and me.
Eight of the Best Hawkwatch Sites in the U.S. for Photographers
September 20, 2016 — Here's where you should go to capture spectacular shots of migrating raptors in fall and spring.
Why You Should Keep Your Birdbath Clean
September 20, 2016 — Maintaining a fresh bath is a simple, essential way to keep birds hydrated, clean, and disease-free. Just follow these easy steps.
Five Handy Tricks for Photographing Raptors in Flight
September 19, 2016 — Not sure where to start? These quick tips will help you master the technique.
How to Photograph Raptors From a Car
September 19, 2016 — If you want to get close to birds of prey, your best bet may be a mobile blind.
Three Basic Ways to Identify Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, and Other Raptors
September 19, 2016 — First, break them down into groups. Then you can start picking out the finer details like size and flight.
Why We Partnered With FERN on Our Palm Oil Investigation
September 19, 2016 — When nonprofit conservation meets nonprofit journalism, great things ensue in the magazine.
After 100 Years, Scientists Are Finally Starting to Understand the Mysterious Great Gray Owl
September 19, 2016 — The elusive owls live in California's Sierra Nevada and have fascinated researchers for a century, but studying them has never been easy.