Our Climate Strategy

Climate issues are bird issues, and renewable energy is one of the best ways we can help.
Gigawatts of renewable energy generation and transmission responsibly sited for deployment
Billion tons of carbon stored through natural systems that provide co-benefit to birds
Bird species on the brink due to climate change

Birds are telling us to act on climate.

There is no path to stabilizing the climate without addressing biodiversity loss and dramatically changing how we produce electricity. Audubon believes that renewable energy and natural climate solutions have important roles to play in mitigating the impact of climate change—the single greatest threat to birds and other species.

How We Work, Where We Work

Audubon supports common-sense solutions to reducing carbon emissions, including conserving and restoring forests, wetlands, and grasslands that provide important habitat for birds and serve as natural solutions for storing carbon, and investing in responsibly sited clean energy.

Climate Initiative National Staff
Sarah Rose

Sarah Rose

Vice President of Climate

Garry George

Garry George

Senior Director, Climate Strategy, National Audubon Society

James Christopher Haney

James Christopher Haney

Science Advisor, Offshore Wind Energy & Wildlife

Wendy Bredhold

Wendy Bredhold

Senior Manager, Transmission Initiative

Christopher Simmons

Christopher Simmons

Senior Manager, Public Lands Policy

Robyn Shepherd

Communications Director, Advocacy

Felice Stadler

Vice President, Government Affairs

Jesse Walls

Senior Director, Government Affairs

Brooke Bateman

Brooke Bateman

Senior Director, Climate & Community Science

Sam Wojcicki

Senior Director, Climate Policy

Audubon's Climate News

Audubon Settlement Improves Protections for Golden Eagles in California’s Altamont Pass
May 16, 2023 — Important concessions will reduce risks to birds while allowing for wind energy development needed to act on climate.
A wood thrush sitting on a branch with its beak open.
New EPA Proposal Would be Key to Achieving Climate Goals for Birds and People
May 11, 2023 — Climate pollution standards would reduce emissions from power plants to slow global temperature rise.
A bright red bird with black wings perched on a tree branch and singing.
Congress Must Maintain Historic Climate and Economic Progress
April 20, 2023 — A plan to raise the nation’s debt ceiling would reverse job-creating tax incentives and jeopardize climate and conservation protections.
A small yellow and black bird perches on a vine amid out of focus green leaves.
Using Science to Craft Conservation Policy that Emphasizes Biodiversity in a Changing Climate
April 18, 2023 — As the Biden Administration implements the America the Beautiful initiative, a new study identifies areas most likely to provide refuge for plants and wildlife as temperatures warm.
Audubon Events Marking Earth Day 2023
April 12, 2023 — Across the Audubon network, state offices and chapters are marking Earth Day on and around April 22.