Coastal Barrier Resources Act
A bipartisan law that has protected people and wildlife on our coasts for decades.
American Oystercatcher. Photo: Scott Gilbert/Audubon Photography Awards
The year President Reagan signed it into law
Acres of wetlands and beaches protected in the System
Amount the law has saved taxpayers by limiting federally funded development
For over 40 years, the Coastal Barrier Resources Act has protected millions of acres of pristine, undeveloped beaches and wetlands across much of the United States. By limiting federal investment in sensitive coastal areas, it saves taxpayers billions of dollars, provides safe habitat for birds and other wildlife, and buffers nearby communities against storms and sea-level rise.
A guide to the Coastal Barrier Resources Act
Audubon has put together a guide on the Coastal Barrier Resources Act: how it works, its benefits, and how it can be leveraged with other programs to protect our coasts.
Download our guide
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