Water in the Arid West

Audubon's work to protect people and birds in the West.
People rely on Colorado River water
Bird species depend on Colorado River
North American Eared Grebes depend on Saline Lakes

In the American West, water is life—for people, and for nature. Birds tell us there are essential freshwater-dependent habitats throughout the West—these include the rivers of the Colorado River Basin; Great Salt Lake, Salton Sea, and dozens of other saline lakes; the Rio Grande; as well as tributaries, wetlands, and groundwater connections to essential waterways. But climate change is intensifying droughts, jeopardizing urban and rural community viability and eroding habitat health. The West’s declining water supplies threaten to exacerbate problems created through inequitable access to water—for both the environment and tribal communities—resulting from a legal framework designed more than 100 years ago.

Audubon’s Western Water team, with dedicated staff in key western states and Washington D.C., works to align bird habitat protection and restoration with more reliable water supplies for all communities, while addressing historic injustices. These include disproportionate health impacts associated with water issues at the Salton Sea in California, desiccation of the Colorado River Delta ecosystem in Mexico, and lack of water infrastructure and access to drinking water in many tribal communities. With drought conditions persisting into a third decade and climate change increasingly affecting water supplies and habitat in the West, we see unprecedented urgency for inclusive and equitable solutions that avoid catastrophic water shortages. Audubon advocates for policies, funding, and on-the-ground actions to protect and restore healthy rivers and lakes, for every living thing that depends on them.

Audubon envisions a livable and equitable future in the West. We strive for resilient rivers, wetlands, and lakes that sustain water reliability, and can support birds and people.

Colorado River and Delta
How we're protecting the lifeblood of the American West.
Great Salt Lake
The largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere is at risk.
Saline Lakes
A critical network of feeding and breeding sites for birds traveling across the arid West.
Salton Sea
Critical for millions of migratory birds and the health of nearby residents.
Our Western Water Staff

Karyn Stockdale

Western Water Initiative Senior Director

Jennifer Pitt

Colorado River Program Director

Marcelle Shoop

Saline Lakes Program Director

Joey Kahn

Communications Director, Water Conservation

Julie Hill-Gabriel

Vice President, Water Conservation & Interim Vice President, Coastal Conservation

Western Water News

Using less and paying more. A conundrum it seems, until you dig a little deeper
July 09, 2018 — Doing nothing about the Colorado River’s decline is too risky
Connecting the Dots: From DCP and Lake Mead to Protecting Flowing Rivers and Habitat
June 28, 2018 — Why birders and wildlife advocates should care about Lake Mead
Governor Hickenlooper Declares 2018 the Year of the Bird in Colorado
June 07, 2018 — Proclamation cites Colorado’s many habitats for breeding and migratory birds.
There Are Better Options To Solve Our Water Issues Than An Old Desalting Plant
May 16, 2018 — The Yuma Desalting Plant sits dormant in the southwestern corner of Arizona, embodying both the promise of new water and the peril of environmental Armageddon.
Lahontan Wetlands Celebrates 30 Years as Internationally Important Site
May 12, 2018 — Lahontan’s designation protects more than 100,000 birds annually
Birds That Depend on Water in the West
American Avocet
Stilts and Avocets
American White Pelican
Bell's Vireo
Eared Grebe
Marbled Godwit
Ridgway's Rail
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Ruddy Duck
Ducks and Geese
! Priority Bird
Sandhill Crane
! Priority Bird
Snowy Plover
Summer Tanager
Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Buntings
! Priority Bird
Western Sandpiper
White-faced Ibis
Ibises and Spoonbills
Willow Flycatcher
Tyrant Flycatchers
Wilson's Phalarope
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Cuckoos, Roadrunners, Anis
Yellow-breasted Chat
Yellow-breasted Chats
Yellow Warbler
Wood Warblers