
BirdNote strives to transport listeners out of the daily grind and into the natural world with outstanding audio programming and online content. The stories we tell are rich in sound, imagery, and information—connecting the ways and needs of birds to the lives of listeners.

Articles by BirdNote

Falcons Fighting Berry Crime
November 17, 2014 — Falcons and farmers form alliances to save (literally) tons of food.
Join Cornell Scientists with Project FeederWatch
November 17, 2014 — Cornell's Lab of Ornithology needs your help tracking bird movements.
Enter the World of the Oystercatcher
November 07, 2014 — Despite their name, Oystercatchers aren't all about oysters.
Spooky Shearwaters
October 29, 2014 — The Wedge-tailed Shearwater's haunting calls used to scare sailors away from the Pacific islands.
Black-crowned Night-herons Spell Caution
October 22, 2014 — These night hunters are the most widespread herons on Earth.
Chorus Line in the Sky
October 22, 2014 — Learn how Dunlins avoid in-flight collisions.
The Pacific Wren's Song, Slowed Down
October 16, 2014 — Wrens can tell a long story with a very short song. 
Research Sheds New Light on Passenger Pigeon Extinction
September 02, 2014 — Natural fluctuations may explain how a species that once numbered in the billions went extinct.
What It'd Take to Build a Human-sized Robin's Nest
July 01, 2014 — Robins may make the work look easy, but in human terms it's one monumental project.
This Bird Will Put a Spell on You
March 01, 2014 — A birder may have a target bird so elusive that the bird becomes a kind of "jinx bird." But there was a real bird by that name.