
BirdNote strives to transport listeners out of the daily grind and into the natural world with outstanding audio programming and online content. The stories we tell are rich in sound, imagery, and information—connecting the ways and needs of birds to the lives of listeners.

Articles by BirdNote

Bird Outsmarts Impersonators with Secret Language
July 22, 2013 — A family password helps ensure that fairy-wrens feed their offspring—not the cuckoos snuck into their nests. 
The Greatest Bird Rescue Ever
June 26, 2013 — Thousands volunteered to help oiled penguins.
Hummingbirds See Red
May 28, 2013 — Red flowers and feeders are rich sources of food for hummingbirds, but it turns out that it's the nectar, not the color that makes the most difference.
The Willow Ptarmigan's Silly Sounds
May 15, 2013 — It's hard not to smile when you hear this bird.
What Happens When Seabirds Drink Saltwater?
April 26, 2013 — From albatrosses to penguins, marine birds have built-in desalination systems.
Why Do We Never See Baby Pigeons?
April 12, 2013 — They do exist, but you have to know where to look.
Whatever Happened to the Marsh Hawk and Sparrow Hawk?
March 29, 2013 — A look at how birds’ names change over time.
A Home for Bluebirds
March 11, 2013 — A letter carrier builds bird boxes along her route.
Wasps’ Nest Ideal Place for One Bird to Lay Its Eggs
February 11, 2013 — The Violaceous Trogon devours some of the stinging insects before digging a cavity.
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Is a Winter Haven for Migratory Birds
January 30, 2013 — A variety of avian species inhabit the mixture of cypress swamp and pineland.