
BirdNote strives to transport listeners out of the daily grind and into the natural world with outstanding audio programming and online content. The stories we tell are rich in sound, imagery, and information—connecting the ways and needs of birds to the lives of listeners.

Articles by BirdNote

The Best Clue for Finding Cuckoos
June 25, 2018 — Check the treetops for this popular menu item and up your odds of success.
How Thrushes Produce Those Ethereal, Flute-Like Songs
June 04, 2018 — Mastery of an extra voice box is the secret to their haunting harmonies.
Have You Ever Heard a Sandpiper Sing?
May 29, 2018 — The name "sandpiper" actually comes from the voices of these birds, which are surprisingly musical. Listen.
Hear that Hammering? Don't Assume It's a Woodpecker
May 21, 2018 — Chickadees and nuthatches also carve out nest cavities.
Why Is This Bird Half-White?
May 14, 2018 — Unusual genetic mutations can eliminate color in a bird's feathers—in patches, or even across its entire body.
Hear How a Crow Softly Woos Its Mate
May 07, 2018 — The complex combination of coos, rattles, and growls is distinctive to each bird's social group.
Listen to the Bubbly Jangling of a Bobolink's Song
April 30, 2018 — “The happiest bird of our spring.”
Can You Recognize the Call of a Great Horned Owl?
April 30, 2018 — It's as distinctive as those big ear tufts.
These Adaptations Make the Osprey a Fantastic Fisher
April 23, 2018 — After tens of millions of years, the bird has changed little since it diverged from eagles and hawks.
The California Condor's Best Shot at Survival
April 16, 2018 — Swapping to non-lead bullets could help save this bird.