DJ Langefels

DJ Langefels

Engagement Manager

DJ is the Engagement Manager for Audubon Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri, connecting with local Audubon chapters on shared state and regional initiatives along with community outreach through bird-friendly programs. DJ has a B.A. in Sociocultural Studies from Bethel University. Prior to Audubon, he worked in various non-profit organizations with a strong volunteer component for over 18 years, ranging in focus from food aid to global justice system transformation. This work has taken him around the world, but Minnesota has been home base for most of his life, where an interest in birds and conservation took root. DJ enjoys photography, most reasons to get outside, and adventuring with his wife and two daughters as much as possible. 

Favorite birds
Cooper's Hawk
Hawks and Eagles
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Buntings