Jesse Greenspan

Jesse Greenspan is a Bay Area-based freelance journalist who writes about history and the environment.

Articles by Jesse Greenspan

The Higher the Altitude, the Smarter the Mountain Chickadee
March 09, 2015 — New research shows that chickadees living at higher, harsher elevations have better problem-solving abilities than their easy-living counterparts.
How Climate Change May Have Helped Spark the Syrian Civil War
March 02, 2015 — A new study draws a link between a warming climate and the outbreak of conflict.
India Embraces The Great Backyard Bird Count
February 23, 2015 — As birdwatching catches on in the Subcontinent, local scientists are getting a better handle on India's avian natives.
Pullman National Park
An Old Chicago Neighborhood Is Now a New National Monument
February 19, 2015 — The South Side’s historic Pullman neighborhood, home to a community-run bird sanctuary, will become Chicago’s first national park.
Would Penguins Like Chinese Food?
February 18, 2015 — New research shows that, unlike other birds, penguins only recognize salty and sour tastes—not bitter or umami.
Getting the Tricolored Blackbird on the Endangered Species List
February 06, 2015 — A new petition calls for Federal-level protections for the imperiled bird.
Bald Eagles Come to the Big Apple
January 30, 2015 — For the first time, the once-endangered bird is nesting in New York City.
Lesser Prairie Chicken
The Lesser Prairie-Chicken Dodges a Bullet
January 30, 2015 — An attempt to delist the Lesser Prairie-Chicken from the Endangered Species Act failed to pass in the Senate.
What Is a Seahawk, Anyway?
January 29, 2015 — The mascot behind one of the NFL's most popular teams isn't actually a real bird. So what is it?
Senate Admits Climate Change is Real (Kind of)
January 23, 2015 — While finally acknowledging the planet is warming, the Senate once again punted on addressing its human-made causes.