
Kenn Kaufman

Field Editor, Audubon magazine

Kenn Kaufman is a field editor for Audubon.

Articles by Kenn Kaufman

Ask Kenn Kaufman: What's the Best Way to Become a Better Birder?
March 31, 2021 — In this month's column, Kenn shares his "four Ls" philosophy for birding. Plus, do birds that live in flocks have a higher chance of survival?
Ask Kenn: How Many of the World's Bird Species Have Gone Extinct?
January 22, 2021 — In this month's column, bird expert Kenn Kaufman tackles a common—and tricky to answer—question.
Our Favorite Fascinating Bird Behaviors From the 2020 Audubon Photo Awards
December 08, 2020 — Every year the contest attracts entries capturing rare and unusual moments in the avian world. Here are this year's highlights.
Ask Kenn: How Did the Evening Grosbeak Get Its Misleading Name?
November 25, 2020 — In this month's Ask Kenn!, bird expert Kenn Kaufman shares the surprising origins of the finch's moniker. Plus, why your feeder birds fight so much.
Ask Kenn: Do More Birds Migrate Through the Eastern United States?
October 15, 2020 — In this month's Ask Kenn!, bird expert Kenn Kaufman provides a detailed look at how geography shapes the routes of migratory birds.
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Why Do Birds Abandon Nests for No Apparent Reason?
August 06, 2020 — Also this month: How did Hawaii get its owls? And who is the best ear birder Kenn's ever met?
Gain a Duck, Lose a Crow: the 2020 Updates to North American Bird Names
July 13, 2020 — The Mexican Duck is now its own species, and the Northwestern Crow officially gets lumped with American Crow.
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Which Birds Are Most Like Their Dinosaur Ancestors?
June 30, 2020 — Also this month: Why do birds sing more in the early morning? And why does North America have so many birds with crests?
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Extinct?
May 29, 2020 — Also this month: Do male Baltimore Oriole have their own distinct songs? And who would play you in a movie version of "Kingbird Highway"?
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Do Birds Get Bored?
April 23, 2020 — Also this month: How did the Harris's Sparrow get its name? And what's the difference between a beak and a bill?