Michele Berger

Contributor, Audubon magazine

Michele Berger is a former associate editor at Audubon. 

Articles by Michele Berger

East Coast Earthquakes an Anomaly?
August 23, 2011
New USFWS Study Looks at Number of Birds Killed in Last Year
August 17, 2011
August 09, 2011
Name this Bird Species
July 20, 2011
A Runaway Cassowary, Human-Eagle Mouth-to-Mouth, and More Bird News
July 19, 2011
Inspiring Words for Bird Photographers
July 13, 2011
Seven Billion People and Counting
July 12, 2011
SpongeBob SquarePants Immortalized as Namesake for New Mushroom
July 06, 2011
Meatless Monday Recipe (on Tuesday): Green Lasagna with Greens
July 05, 2011
Get Your Cameras Shooting!
June 29, 2011