National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

U.S. House Recommends Increased Funding for Delaware River Watershed for Fourth Year
July 01, 2021 — Growing federal appropriations helps protect the iconic waterway for birds and communities.
National Audubon Society Urges Next Step in Union Vote
June 30, 2021 — “Every person who has a stake should have a vote.”
Congress Votes to Restore Methane Emissions Regulations in a Boost to Combating Climate Change
June 25, 2021 — President Biden is expected to sign the resolution, which will reinstate limits on the dangerous greenhouse gas.
New Bill to Strengthen International Conservation for Albatrosses and Petrels
June 22, 2021 — By expanding seabird conservation internationally, this move would level the playing field for U.S. fisheries.
Major Corporations and Foundations Commit Final Funding to Close Gap in Landmark Colorado River Water Conservation Deal
June 22, 2021 — Microsoft, Procter & Gamble and other contributions secure funding to support water resilience, equity and combat drought within the Colorado River Basin
Legislation Would Strengthen Funding Streams for Coastal Restoration By Sharing Revenue from Offshore Wind
June 17, 2021 — As storms continue to pummel our coasts, increased funding for coastal restoration is necessary to protect our communities and wildlife from the worst effects of climate change.
Audubon Statement on Manzana Wind Power Plant Permit
June 16, 2021 — Audubon pledges to monitor the development of the California site to minimize, mitigate, and avoid harm to condors.
New Federal Report Confirms Ongoing Crisis for North American Birds
June 15, 2021 — New report should guide the conservation actions needed to bring birds back.
President’s Budget Confirms Support for Climate, Conservation, and Equity
June 09, 2021 — The Biden administration is proposing increased federal investments for tackling the climate crisis, rebuilding communities, and conserving birds, wildlife, and ecosystems.
Audubon Report Shows That Important Bird Habitats are Key Natural Solutions to Climate Change
June 03, 2021 — Important ecosystems for birds can also store tens of millions of tons of carbon naturally if maintained and restored.