National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

What Do Birds and Beef Have In Common?
January 21, 2020 — Audubon’s Marshall Johnson is spreading the word on how your meat purchases can help grassland birds, one burger at a time.
Vital Bird Protections Move Forward in Congress
January 15, 2020 — Migratory Bird Protection Act advances out of committee
Enter the 2020 Audubon Photography Awards, North America’s Premier Bird Photo Contest
January 13, 2020 — Submissions for the renowned photography competition are now open until April 6, 2020.
Audubon: Congress Must Pass New Bird Protection Bill
January 08, 2020 — Our bird emergency requires urgent action.
Audubon Clean Energy Director Named Board Chair of American Wind and Wildlife Institute
January 07, 2020
Conservation Groups Intervene to Defend Sage-Grouse Rules Opposed by Trump Administration
December 20, 2019 — The National Audubon Society, The Wilderness Society and Democracy Forward Submit New Legal Filing to Defend Crucial Cons
Clean Energy Standard Legislation in Virginia “Shows Growing Demand” for Climate Solutions Nationwide
December 19, 2019 — Audubon celebrates bill to decarbonize Virginia’s electric grid and set a 100% clean energy target as meaningful step toward reducing harmful emissions.
Audubon Analysis: FY 2020 Spending Package Includes Key Wins for Bird Habitat But Misses Chance to Act on Climate
December 18, 2019
Audubon Applauds U.S. Congress for $9.7 Million of Funding for Delaware River Watershed Restoration
December 18, 2019 — Funding for the protection, restoration and healthy growth of the nationally significant watershed helps birds, people and local economies.
Exclusions In Tax Credit Expansion Present a Missed Opportunity
December 17, 2019