National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

Audubon: Rushed Lease Sale Process Jeopardizes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
May 14, 2018 — Migrating Arctic birds face an uncertain future as the Department of the Interior circumvents proper process.
Win a Copy of the Murder Mystery, "A Shimmer of Hummingbirds"
May 11, 2018 — In the newly released book, detective Domenic Jejeune goes on an exotic birding trip to hunt down his brother's killer.
South Carolina's Conservation Bank Reauthorization Is a Major Win for the State
May 10, 2018 — Audubon applauds unanimous passage of legislation to protect South Carolina's critical habitat and culturally significant lands.
Audubon Hails Biomedical Breakthrough as "Win-Win" for Birds and Business
May 10, 2018 — A synthetic molecule may help save the endangered Red Knot.
Audubon: Senate Water Bill Is “Encouraging"
May 08, 2018 — Water projects are important to birds and people.
Audubon: Rewriting Sage-Grouse Conservation Plans Is Risky and Unnecessary
May 02, 2018 — Threatening the largest conservation agreement in American history puts the sagebrush landscape as well as its economy, people and wildlife at risk.
Utah Governor Herbert Declares May as Month of the Bird
April 30, 2018 — A number of events lined up in the state for Utahns to enjoy and celebrate birds
Audubon, Other Conservation Groups Call on Trump Administration to Honor Sage-Grouse Agreement
April 30, 2018 — Lawsuit filed after administration violates federal law by deciding to lease sensitive sage-grouse habitat for drilling.
Audubon to Be Special Guest to French President Emmanuel Macron Joint Session of Congress
April 23, 2018 — Florida Congressman invites water conservation and Everglades restoration expert to signal support for Paris Climate Agreement.
Audubon Remembers Deepwater Horizon: Accountability Matters
April 19, 2018 — Audubon remains deeply committed to Gulf restoration and to protecting the laws that held BP accountable.