National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

Audubon Invites Photographers to Enter 2018 Photo Awards Contest
January 08, 2018 — Winning entries will be published in Audubon magazine and displayed within the Nature’s Best Photography Exhibition at the Smithsonian for one year.
Audubon Names Suzanne Langley as Head of Texas State Office
January 08, 2018 — Langley will become executive director of Audubon Texas after successful stint at Birmingham Audubon chapter.
Izembek Land Transfer Paves the Way for a Road through Vital Bird Habitat
January 06, 2018 — Systematic dismantling of wilderness has huge ramifications for birds, wildlife and our nation’s public lands.
Audubon and National Geographic Declare 2018 as Year of the Bird
January 05, 2018 — More than 100 organizations join forces for 12 months of storytelling and science to examine how our changing environment is impacting birds around the globe.
White House Plans to Vastly Expand Drilling near America’s Beaches and Coasts
January 04, 2018 — The proposed five-year plan exposes critical shorebird habitat and coastal communities to dangerous and unnecessary oil drilling.
For 2018, Resolve to Help Birds in Three Simple Ways
December 22, 2017 — Ring in the new year by raising your voice for bird conservation and making your home an avian haven.
The White House Turns Its Back on America’s Birds
December 22, 2017 — The Trump Administration will no longer hold industry accountable for bird deaths.
Five Things We Learned in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
December 21, 2017 — Audubon’s assessment of the effects of hurricanes will inform restoration efforts that can protect our coasts in the future.
Audubon: “We’ll Do Whatever It Takes to Prevent Drilling in America’s Bird Nursery”
December 20, 2017 — Arctic provision in tax bill opens Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling.
Audubon to Congress: “This Is The Wake-Up Call You’ve Been Waiting For”
December 15, 2017 — The New York Times reveals 1986 well drilled in Refuge: Damage continues.