National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

We’re All Losers if We Drill in the Arctic Refuge
October 19, 2017 — Today's Senate vote to allow drilling in the Arctic Refuge sacrifices America’s bird nursery for fantasy oil revenues.
Bipartisan Senate Duo Introduce Bill to Boost Key Conservation Program
October 17, 2017 — Legislation expands and strengthens conservation efforts made on agricultural lands.
Izembek Land Transfer Would Jeopardize Globally Important Bird Habitat
October 16, 2017 — Backroom deal to carve road through wildlife refuge would set dangerous precedent.
Post Your Plants for Birds Sign and Spread the Word
October 13, 2017 — Let your neighbors know about the benefits of native plants.
Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt Willfully Ignore Science, Public Opinion and Moral Compass
October 10, 2017 — Repealing the Clean Power Plan leaves the United States adrift and alone when it comes to responding to the biggest threat facing birds and people.
Senator Cory Booker Tackles a Huge Cause of Bird Deaths
October 06, 2017 — Building collisions kill hundreds of millions of birds each year. Senator Booker introduced a bill to reduce bird deaths caused by federal buildings.
Self-Described “Roosevelt Republican” Ryan Zinke Ignores Western Voices, Throws Sage-Grouse Under the Bus
October 05, 2017 — The Secretary of the Interior announced his intent to overhaul land-management plans affecting ten Western states while completely disregarding conservation values and long-term Western economic interests.
Audubon Condemns Backdoor Arctic Drilling in House Budget Bill
October 05, 2017 — House budget would expose America's bird nursery to oil and gas development.
Millions of People and Birds Benefit from New Water Agreement between U.S. and Mexico
September 27, 2017 — Treaty expansion provides years of certainty for water users in both countries dependent on the Colorado River, paving the way for collaborative conservation efforts that protect people and birds.
For Consumers and Conservationists: FAQs on Conservation Ranching
September 25, 2017 — Learn more about what conservation ranching is, and why it can be good for birds and the environment