Noah Strycker

Contributor, Audubon Magazine

Noah Strycker is a writer, photographer, and adventurer. In 2015 he embarked on an international Big Year, and blogged all about it at

Articles by Noah Strycker

Birding Without Borders: Day 25
January 27, 2015 — Rising early for a dawn chorus proves worthwhile.
Penguins and Polar Bears Hang on at the Poles
January 26, 2015 — With our climate becoming ever more off-kilter, a naturalist takes stock of the ends of the earth.
Birding Without Borders: Day 23
January 24, 2015 — The Uruzu jungle is a feast for the ears.
Birding Without Borders: Day 22
January 24, 2015 — A day in the tropics brings the count over 500.
Birding Without Borders: Day 21
January 24, 2015 — Scouting out birds in "Disneyworld."