Noah Strycker

Contributor, Audubon Magazine

Noah Strycker is a writer, photographer, and adventurer. In 2015 he embarked on an international Big Year, and blogged all about it at

Articles by Noah Strycker

Day 297: Chocolate Hills of Bohol
October 25, 2015 — Noah gets a dozen more birds, one species at a time, and closes in on 5,000.
Day 296: On to Bohol
October 24, 2015 — Scops-Owls and a Frogmouth at a butterfly conservation center on the island.
Day 295: Jeepneys and Flycatchers
October 24, 2015 — Noah enjoys an endemic form of public transportation in the Philippines.
Day 294: Less Than 60 Birds To Go
October 22, 2015 — Noah may hit the 5,000 mark in the Philippines this week.
Day 293: A River Cave of Wonders
October 21, 2015 — Noah gets up close and personal with an unusually friendly peacock-pheasant.
Day 292: Island Hopping Around the Philippines
October 20, 2015 — To avoid a typhoon, Noah heads to Palawan for some island-style birding.
Day 291: A Celebrity Crane
October 18, 2015 — Noah also finds a dead whale that's been in the news in Taiwan.
Day 290: A Typhoon Looms
October 17, 2015 — Noah is wrapping up Taiwan endemics—while watching the weather.
Day 289: Birding With the Paparazzi
October 16, 2015 — Noah returns to familiar land, while learning he’s become a familiar face.