Tara Hohman

Tara Hohman

Conservation Science Manager

Tara joined the Audubon Upper Mississippi River team back in June 2019. Based out of the Audubon Center at Riverlands outside of St. Louis, MO, she focuses on bird and habitat conservation priorities within the region, working to establish and maintain bird monitoring projects in priority areas in connection with partners. With much of Tara’s work revolving around bottomland forest avian monitoring along the Mississippi River. A Texas native, she earned her BS in wildlife biology at Texas State University and her MS in environmental science and policy at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay studying marsh bird interactions with Great Lakes water levels and interspersion. Her passion for birds and conservation began with a field technician job surveying Black Rails off the Texas coast during her undergrad and has only grown since. Throughout her academic and professional career, she’s gained experience conducting and coordinating point count surveys, mist netting as well as other avian monitoring techniques for a suite of different avian species.  Tara was a co-founder of the first Audubon campus chapter in the nation and enjoys sharing her knowledge of birds with others. In her free time, Tara enjoys thrifting, birding, cooking, and art. 



Favorite birds
Black Rail
Rails, Gallinules, Coots