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Bird Conservation Careers in the Rockies

Browse bird conservation-focused career opportunities in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah.

Are you starting or continuing a career in bird conservation? Bird conservation is a rewarding career opportunity and one of the best ways you can support birds and the places they need in the Rockies region. Browse bird-focused conservation jobs available in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah.

Available Positions

Audubon Careers

Search careers across the Audubon network here.

Great Salt Lake Watershed Enhancement Trust Program Trust, National Audubon Society (Salt Lake City, Utah)

The Great Salt Lake Watershed Enhancement Trust (GSLWET or Trust) Program Manager will support  water transactions and habitat projects that benefit the hydrology of Great Salt Lake and its wetlands. The ideal candidate will have water acquisition and leasing transaction experience, knowledge of agricultural irrigation practices and experience working in the agricultural sector, preferably wetland or other conservation experience, or some experience with hydrology or skills that are transferable to these types of experience. Learn more and apply

Avian Ecologist, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Fort Collins, Colorado)

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is hiring an avian ecologist to oversee implementation of the large-scale breeding land bird monitoring program, Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR). The position will assist with hiring and coordinating field crews, training seasonal staff on IMBCR, field preparation, landowner outreach, conducting bird surveys, data entry and proofing, and completing IMBCR related deliverables. Learn more and apply

Avian Field Technician, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Colorado)

Experience a season of adventure counting birds every morning in Colorado with the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program! You’ll travel across the state from low elevation pinyon-juniper, sagebrush and grasslands, to mid-elevation conifer and aspen forests to high-elevation alpine tundra. This position will have you birding every morning with the possibility of observing well over 100 bird species as well as many other species of Colorado wildlife. Learn more and apply

Avian Field Technician, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Utah)

Experience a season of adventure counting birds every morning in Utah with the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program! You’ll experience a variety of habitats: from deserts and canyonlands, to sagebrush, conifer forests, and high mountains. This position will have you birding every morning with the possibility of observing well over 100 bird species as well as many other species of Utah wildlife. Learn more and apply

Avian Field Technician, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Wyoming)

Experience a season of adventure counting birds every morning in Wyoming with the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program! You’ll travel across the state from low elevation sagebrush and grasslands, to mid-elevation conifer forests to high-elevation alpine tundra. This position will have you birding every morning with the possibility of observing well over 100 bird species as well as many other species of Wyoming wildlife. Learn more and apply

Compliance and Wildlife Field Technician, PacifiCorp (Casper or Laramie, Wyoming)

Under general supervision, conduct avian and wildlife surveys, and ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Provide analysis and studies related to the permitting, development, operations, and/or decommissioning of renewable energy projects and transmission/distribution lines and substations. Learn more and apply

Executive Assistant, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Fort Collins, Colorado)

Bird Conservancy  of the Rockies is hiring an executive assistant to help the executive director (ED) and executive team with planning, communications and logistics for meetings and day-to-day operations. Specifically, the assistant will primarily support the ED to coordinate her calendar, help set up meeting agendas, take and subsequently distribute relevant notes, help with travel arrangements and gather materials and resources as needed. Learn more and apply

Mexican Spotted Owl Monitoring Seasonal Crew Leader, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Boulder County, Colorado)

Spend 2.5 months coordinating a monitoring project on the Arapahoe-Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado. All field work will be conducted with appropriate federal permits. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is seeking 1 crew leader that will each steer a small team of three technicians to conduct Spotted Owl surveys. This position will build leadership, management and mentorship skills while working on charismatic federally-threatened species in Colorado. Successful candidates will have excellent inter-personal and organizational skills, will be passionate about working outdoors and comfortable working in the backcountry. Learn more and apply

Mexican Spotted Owl Monitoring Seasonal Technician, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Boulder County, Colorado)

Experience a season of adventure surveying for nocturnal owls on the Arapahoe-Roosevelt US National Forest near Boulder, Colorado. All field work will be conducted with appropriate federal permits. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is hiring 5 field technicians that will travel within a small team to conduct Spotted Owl playback surveys. Technicians follow strict protocols of broadcasting calls and listening for responses, as per USFWS, adding to a monitoring dataset that informs presence of the raptor species within forest management areas. Mexican Spotted Owl distribution along the Front Range of Colorado is not well known, this is a unique opportunity to work on a federally-threatened at the edge of its range. Learn more and apply

Northern Great Plains Seasonal Crew Leader, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (Wyoming)

The Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program provides reliable information on bird populations to guide conservation and management decisions utilizing a statistically rigorous design based on probabilistic sampling, and a broad network of partners that support the program across public and private lands. The crew leader will manage 5-6 seasonal technicians, communicate with private landowners, coordinate field logistics, and participate in research activities to determine basic population estimates of breeding birds in Wyoming and Idaho. Learn more and apply

Ranch Manager, Flying Diamond Ranch (Hanover, Colorado)

Flying Diamond Ranch is seeking a motivated ranch manager to join the team on their Audubon-certified bird-friendly ranch. The ranch manager will work closely with the division manager to successfully operate cow-calf and yearling operations on a 90,000 acre lease. Learn more and apply

Wildlife Research Technician, Colorado State University (Fort Collins, Colorado)

The Biodiversity and Disturbance Research group at Colorado State University and the Rocky Mountain Research Station is seeking one crew leader and one exceptional technician for their summer 2025 field season. This study is focused on non-invasive sampling of birds and mammals (both bats and terrestrial species) using automated recorders during the summer and fall. The aim is to increase understanding of how wildlife communities are impacted by increasingly frequent and severe wildfires in the southern Rocky Mountains. Fieldwork will begin late May/early June, 2025, and continue through August 31, 2025. Learn more and apply

Additional Career and Internship Resources

The Wildlife Society Career Center

US Fish and Wildlife Service Careers and Internships

To submit a position for posting, please email Submitted positions should advance bird conservation and be located in Colorado, Wyoming, or Utah.