Audubon Mural Project

A large painting of a Northern Goshawk on the side of a brick building.
Bring the Audubon Mural Project to Your Town
July 15, 2024 — For the past decade, the initiative has used public art to showcase birds threatened by climate change. Now, communities are putting their own local spin on the effort—and yours could be next.
Alton Flyway Mural by James K. Schmidt and Robert Fishbone
October 31, 2023 — Location: 136 Front Street, Alton, IL 62002
A mural of many portraits of birds painted on the wall of a dark garage.
How San Diego City College Audubon Club Found Community Through a Mural
December 09, 2022 — Inspired by the Audubon Mural Project, this summer students in an Audubon campus chapter came together to paint dozens of climate-threatened birds—each in their very own frame.
The Audubon Mural Project Brings Birdsong to Life in Washington Heights
December 13, 2021 — An eye-catching and abstract new mixed media mural by artist Jessica Maffia is the first of the public-art project to focus on sound.
A mural by artist Justin Suarez stretches along the side of of a one-story building. It features five songbirds—a House Finch, Pine Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, Henslow's Sparrow, and Veery—chasing a much bigger Peregrine Falcon. The falcon is the official city bird of Rockford, Illinois, where the Audubon Mural Project – Rockford is located.
The Audubon Mural Project Takes Flight in Rockford, Illinois
November 24, 2021 — Paintings of imperiled birds beautify buildings throughout the city, providing a catalyst for conversations about climate change.
A Swainson's Thrush painted in the Vashon Audubon Mural. The secretive, small brown woodland bird is projected to lose 46 percent of its summer breeding range in Washington State if global warming continues apace.
The Audubon Mural Project Lands in the Pacific Northwest
July 22, 2021 — On Washington's Vashon Island, the community has embraced a public art initiative to inspire conservation of local climate-threatened species.
The Audubon Mural Project Adds Trumpeter Swans to its Uptown Flock
December 31, 2020 — A stunning mosaic created by artists Carlos Pinto and John Sear turns recycled materials into an unforgettable wall.
The Audubon Mural Project Paints a Milestone 100 Species
September 26, 2018 — Marrying public art and climate change, six new species become ambassadors for conservation on the streets of northern Manhattan.
In Harlem's Jacob Schiff Park, Four New Birds Join the Audubon Mural Project
August 31, 2018 — Twenty-six youth apprentices painted the murals of climate-threatened birds on the walls of a local playground.
The Audubon Mural Project
January 26, 2015 — Where birds meet art . . . after dark.