
What Do Birds and Beef Have In Common?
January 21, 2020 — Audubon’s Marshall Johnson is spreading the word on how your meat purchases can help grassland birds, one burger at a time.
Saving Colombia's Forests Is Crucial to Protect Prothonotary Warblers
June 19, 2019 — A new study shows that almost the entire population winters in a region with rampant deforestation—a finding that could help target conservation.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Explained
January 26, 2018 — Don’t know what the MBTA even is? Here’s your comprehensive guide to the Act—including why it's at risk.
Parrots Among Most-Threatened Bird Groups
February 23, 2016 — Polly doesn’t want a cracker, he wants a future.
Sitting Ducks: Why Millions of Arctic Seabirds Are in Danger
December 31, 2015 — Oil spills, climate change, fishing, shipping routes—threats facing Arctic seabirds are vast, and hard to track.
The Nicaragua Canal: Still a Very Bad Plan
October 08, 2015 — Construction of the canal, already delayed by more than a year, will harm the environment and the local community, according to a new environmental impact assessment.
As Sage-Grouse Decision Looms, West Holds Its Breath
September 03, 2015 — U.S. Fish and Wildlife will decide whether to list the bird by the end of September.
An MBTA for the 21st Century
July 07, 2015 — Audubon played a key role in stirring sentiment for bird protection a hundred years ago—and is now working to strengthen our premier avian conservation law.
Department of the Interior Reveals Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plans
May 29, 2015 — The Bureau of Land Management announced plans to maintain habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse while still fostering the Western economy.
What’s Up With the Greater Sage-Grouse?
May 29, 2015 — A definitive guide to the most talked-about bird in the West.