Western Water News

Más de 150.000 acres de hábitat crítico designados para el cuclillo pico amarillo en Arizona
May 04, 2021 — Cómo Audubon marcó la diferencia para una de las aves más amenazadas de Occidente
Lee's Ferry in the Grand Canyon. Jonathan Buford/Arizona Wilderness Brewing Company
Experimental High Spring Flows in the Grand Canyon
April 30, 2021 — Demonstrated potential for creativity in future Colorado River operations
Eared Grebes with chicks. Wendy Crowe/Audubon Photography Awards
U.S. Senators Re-Introduce Science-based Program for Unique Saline (Salt) Lake Ecosystems
April 29, 2021 — Audubon science makes case for federally coordinated assessment of interconnected ecosystems essential in the arid West, supporting people and birds.
White-faced Ibis. Warren-Martin Hern/Audubon Photography Awards
Land Transfer Secures Nevada Bird and Wildlife Habitat
April 29, 2021 — Long-awaited Transfer of Carson Lake and Pasture to the State of Nevada Gives Birds a Boost
Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Johnny Stutzman/Audubon Photography Awards
Critical Habitat Finally Designated for Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo
April 23, 2021 — Although smaller area designated, Audubon encouraged by final rule.
Summer Tanager. Becky Matsubara/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Planting along the Colorado River with the Cocopah Indian Tribe and Yuma Audubon
April 19, 2021 — Collaborative Restoration in the time of COVID-19
Water Issues Rise to the Surface in Utah’s 2021 Legislature
March 31, 2021 — Positive outcomes for Great Salt Lake and Navajo-Utah Water Rights Settlement.
A Bird (and People) Budget for Arizona’s Legislature
March 26, 2021 — The state must capitalize on the opportunity to fund water and environmental protection.
Un presupuesto de aves (y personas) para la legislatura de Arizona
March 26, 2021 — El Estado debe aprovechar la oportunidad para financiar la protección del agua y el medio ambiente.
Understanding Arizona's Groundwater
March 17, 2021 — Audubon StoryMap highlights the importance of sustaining healthy groundwater supplies and what is at stake for birds and people.