Western Water News

Diminishing Lakes Pose Serious Consequences for Communities, Livelihoods, and Wildlife
August 27, 2019 — Why we should act at Great Salt Lake before it's too late.
Water Levels at Lake Mead Trigger 2020 Water Reductions in Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico
August 15, 2019 — With new drought plan in place, Lake Mead to enter ‘Tier Zero’ operations.
What It's Like to Catch and Band a Yuma Ridgway’s Rail
July 31, 2019 — Tracking the movements of an elusive marsh bird.
Potential New Ways to Determine the Movement of Phalaropes
July 12, 2019 — Budding technology creates networks that would inform the conservation and management of Phalaropes.
Protecting and Celebrating an Oasis for Birds in the Great Basin
June 25, 2019 — Lahontan Valley's wetlands provide critical habitat for birds.
In the Field—Western Rivers Bird Count
June 12, 2019 — A dispatch from Arizona’s Salt River.
Arizona Legislature Wraps up with Wins for Birds, Water, and Public Lands
May 31, 2019 — New budget includes funding for invasive plant removal, wastewater infrastructure, and water department staff.
Willard Spur Waterfowl Management Area, Utah's Serengeti of Waterbirds
May 28, 2019 — A special place for birds and people.
International Infrastructure Issues Threaten Arizona’s Santa Cruz River
May 09, 2019 — Why fixing a nine-mile sewage pipe is crucial for people and birds.
Problemas de infraestructura internacional amenazan el río Santa Cruz de Arizona
May 09, 2019 — Por qué arreglar una tubería de alcantarillado de nueve millas es crucial para las personas y las aves.