Take action immediately with one of our current campaigns

Oppose the Rollback of NEPA
The Council on Environmental Quality has proposed a rule to roll back nearly 50 years of regulations that have been issued to implement one of our bedrock environmental laws.
Urge Congress to Support Conservation for Birds and People
Urge your members of Congress to support and advance priorities that protect the places birds and people need.
Birds Tell Us That We Need Environmentally Responsible Clean Energy
Stand with Audubon as we work to create a brighter future for birds and people by balancing clean energy and transmission development with wildlife conservation.

Lawmakers care about your views and opinions.

As a constituent, you have the ability to convey your concerns about issues affecting birds, wildlife, and their habitats—and be heard like no lobbyist here in Washington, D.C. The only way we'll be successful in our conservation efforts is with your help.

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