The Audubon Field Guide to Birding Trails in the United States

By Season
8 Great Summer Birding Trails
8 Great Summer Birding Trails

Audubon’s guide to unforgettable trips that wend through charming towns and rural outposts while also connecting the dots between many Important Bird Areas.

8 Great Fall Birding Trails
8 Great Fall Birding Trails

One of the greatest wildlife spectacles on earth is upon us. Millions of birds are on the wing, covering thousands of miles across oceans and continents. Grab your favorite field guide and hit the road.

By Region
Birding Trails in the South
Birding Trails in the South

The Alabama Coastal Birding Trail You could wander anywhere in Alabama and see rich natural habitats and beautiful birds, but when the wind shifts...

Birding Trails in the Northeast
Birding Trails in the Northeast

Delaware Birding Trail Despite its small size, Delaware encompasses six well-defined ecological regions. This trail takes in all of them, showing...

Birding Trails in the West
Birding Trails in the West

Great Washington State Birding Trail The great state of Washington is too diverse to be encompassed by one birding trail, which explains why...

Birding Trails in the Midwest
Birding Trails in the Midwest

Chicago Region Birding Trail, Illinois And Indiana Chicago was not founded by birders, but it could have been. Here, where the eastern forest...