Doing a little prep and research before you go to the nursery will save headaches and ensure you build the best habitat possible.
May not be native
Use LocationThis plant goes by many names, including American, Eastern, or Woolly Hop-hornbeam, Roughbark Ironwood, Deerwood, and Leverwood. It is a perennial tree that typically grows 30 to 50 feet in height, with a trunk that looks like sinewy muscles and a rounded crown of slender, spreading branches. Catkins appear in April just before or with the appearance of new leaves, and fruits are borne in a hanging, hoplike structure. It prefers shady areas, but can also grow in the sun, and does best in rich, well-drained, dry to moist soils.
Doing a little prep and research before you go to the nursery will save headaches and ensure you build the best habitat possible.
Bird-friendly landscaping provides food, saves water, and fights climate change.
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