Native Plants

Great Red Indian-Paintbrush

Castilleja miniata

May not be native

Use Location
Annuals/Per., Shrubs

Great Red Indian-Paintbrush or Meadow Paintbrush is an herbaceous perennial that grows 1 1/2 to 3 feet tall, with bright green leaves, and flower clusters that range from pale orange to vibrant scarlet and resemble a ragged paintbrush, thus earning it its name. This plant grows in full sun and wet to moist, well-drained soils. Great Red Indian-Paintbrush is often difficult to transplant because its roots grow until they become connected to the roots of other plants in order to partially obtain nutrients from them.

May Attract

Great Red Indian-Paintbrush is thought to attract these families of birds

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Native Plants

Native plants help support our birds throughout the year.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird at a butterflyweed. Photo: Dave Maslowski