Doing a little prep and research before you go to the nursery will save headaches and ensure you build the best habitat possible.
May not be native
Use LocationThis medium-sized tree is also known as Shagbark, Carolina, Scalybark, Upland, or Shellbark Hickory. It is a deciduous, perennial tree averaging 70 to 80 feet in height, and 12 to 24 inches in diameter. It is probably the most distinctive of all the hickories because of its loose-plated bark. This tree produces thick-shelled, edible nuts, and its foliage turns golden in early fall. It grows in full sun to shade, preferring dry to moist, well-drained, fertile soils.
Doing a little prep and research before you go to the nursery will save headaches and ensure you build the best habitat possible.
Bird-friendly landscaping provides food, saves water, and fights climate change.
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