
Largest-ever Seabird Action Week Demonstrates the Power of the Audubon Network
April 30, 2021 — Audubon’s third annual advocacy week brings activists together from around the country to speak up for seabirds.
Bushtit on an Oregon Grape. Luke Franke/Audubon
Reigning in Carbon Emissions and Advancing Justice in Washington State
April 30, 2021 — Climate and environmental justice made progress in the 2021 Washington State Legislature
Saltmarsh Sparrow. Frank Lehman/Audubon Photography Awards
Advocates Attend Virtual “Hill Day” in Record Numbers to Champion Delaware River Watershed
April 29, 2021 — Audubon leaders and coalition partners brought local voices to Capitol Hill to support clean water legislation.
Sandhill Cranes. Mary D'Agostino/Audubon Photography Awards
A Bipartisan Approach to Reduce Emissions on Working Lands
April 21, 2021 — The Growing Climate Solutions Act recognizes the role played by farmers, ranchers, and foresters in the fight against climate change.
Red-winged Blackbird. Cathy Bennington/Audubon Photography Awards
Reintroduced Legislation Removes Obstacles to Reducing Pollution on Working Lands While Helping Producers and Wildlife
April 20, 2021 — The bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021 helps reduce emissions from farms, ranches, and forests while providing support to landowners
Biden Infrastructure Proposal Presents a Unique Opportunity for a Cleaner Future for Birds and People
March 31, 2021 — Prioritizing the reduction of harmful emissions and investing in healthy ecosystems while revitalizing the economy will help the country and environment rebuild and recover.
Proposed Bill Represents Progress on Climate and Carbon Pricing
March 10, 2021
2021 is The Year to Find Your Flock & Act for Birds
February 05, 2021
The Congressional Energy Package Is an Important Building Block, but More Innovation and Action Against Climate Change Is Needed
December 21, 2020 — The omnibus energy bill comprises bipartisan bills from the House and Senate, and includes measures addressing everything from renewables and efficiency to nuclear energy and carbon capture.
With Omnibus Legislation, Congress Takes Strong Action on Greenhouse Gases
December 21, 2020 — The American Innovation and Manufacturing Act is “one of the strongest actions that Congress has taken to directly address climate change.”