National Audubon Society

Articles by National Audubon Society

Brewer's Blackbird by Klone
November 14, 2017 — Location: 3767 Broadway, New York, NY 10032
Evening Grosbeak and Black-headed Grosbeak by Ouizi
November 14, 2017 — Location: 1805 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10031
Spoiler Alert: Drilling and Wildlife Cannot Coexist in the Arctic Refuge
November 14, 2017 — In an area as ecologically sensitive as the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge, there is no such thing as a “small” footprint.
37 Leading Arctic Wildlife Scientists Oppose Arctic Refuge Drilling
November 09, 2017 — Following the introduction of legislation to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, dozens of Arctic wildlife experts unite in opposition.
As Washington Undermines Sage-Grouse Plans, Nevada Marks Conservation Milestone
November 09, 2017 — A gold mine purchases the first conservation credits in a new, market-based approach to protect Nevada's sage-grouse habitat.
Congresswoman Liz Cheney Introduces Bird-Killer Amendment
November 08, 2017 — House Committee on Natural Resources approves language targeting Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Opening the Arctic Refuge to Drilling Doesn’t Make Sense
November 01, 2017 — Oil-drunk drilling advocates ignore sobering economic and environmental realities to justify phantom budget figures.
Solar Tariffs Would Slow the Adoption of Clean Energy We Need
November 01, 2017 — Carbon pollution threatens birds and people—making solar panels more expensive is not a solution.
Watch: The Spirit of the 2017 Audubon Convention Captured in 2 Minutes
October 26, 2017 — In summer 2017, hundreds of birders turned a Utah ski resort into a birding wonderland. Get a taste of the Audubon convention in this short video.
Zinke Aims for Birds in New Energy Report
October 26, 2017 — The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act keep our birds safe.