This vine-like, perennial herb, also known as Heartleaf Bush-beardtongue and Climbing Penstemon, can be evergreen or deciduous depending on how mild and wet its environment is. It grows bright green leaves and tubular, red-orange flowers from May to July that attract pollinators. Drought tolerant and deer resistant, this plant grows in the shade or partial shade, in dry, rocky soils.
Also known as California Suncup, this hairy, annual herb grows up to 2 1/2 feet. It has arrowhead-shaped, sometimes toothed leaves and yellow flowers with four petals and red dots at the base. It grows in full sun, and in moist sandy or clay soils.
Also known as California Sagebrush, this evergreen, perennial shrub grows 1 to 3 feet in height and width with soft, gray-green foliage. This plant grows in full sun and poor, dry, well-drained soils, blooming tiny flowers from June to November in green, pink, or yellow.
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