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Size:166.3 sq. mi.
Lassen Volcanic National Park is a fascinating ecological landscape that hosts nearly 100 breeding birds, many of which are neotropical migrants that winter in Central or South America. The park’s climate is projected to improve for frequently-sighted warblers such as MacGillivray’s and Wilson’s; however, it will likely worsen for migrant Song and Golden-crowned Sparrows. Raptors from Golden Eagles to Northern Harriers to Cooper’s Hawks could also have trouble as the park’s climate changes. By and large, bird populations in the park will continue to find suitable conditions, so it will be incumbent upon land managers to reduce disturbance and maintain as much suitable habitat as possible.
This Park in Context
The extent of turnover, potential colonization, and potential extirpation varies among the 53 national parks featured on this website. Below, see how this park compares to others in summer and winter. Click on a circle to explore results for another park.
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